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Strategic Developments International

Learning is the key

There is no change without learning and in a chaotic world, learning must be located in the real opportunities and challenges facing your organisation. Leadership development must be inclusive and transformational, focussing on the actual working relationships of the leaders and the people working in their teams. Enabling curiosity, courage and passion for results requires a holistic, human-centred and Strategic approach to Development

Leadership Development

Maximising leader impact through Self Managed Learning - developing courage, curiosity and authenticity

Team Development

Enabling teams to create value through developing trust, clarity and quality stakeholder relationships

Individual Development 

Liberating individual potential through providing holistic, compassionate and integrative coaching

Developing Leaders for Real - Proven Approaches That Deliver Impact 

Edited by Harry Gray, Anne Gimson and Ian Cunningham

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Curious, lets talk... 

  +44 7973 818102